Office of the Correctional Investigator Celebrates its 50th Anniversary


Ottawa, June 22, 2023 - Today, Dr. Ivan Zinger, Correctional Investigator of Canada, released a statement commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Office of the Correctional Investigator.

“I am extremely proud to announce and celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Office of the Correctional Investigator. Fifty years of public service represents a significant achievement for any organization; it is all the more remarkable for one entirely and uniquely dedicated to prison oversight and ensuring the human rights of incarcerated people are respected. It is truly cause for celebration,” stated Dr. Zinger.

The Office of the Correctional Investigator was created in 1973 following a series of major disturbances at several penitentiaries, including the infamous Kingston Penitentiary riot in 1971. At that time, Canada showed great leadership by creating a specialized and independent federal prison Ombuds Office. Ever since, the Office has provided federally sentenced persons with an external and independent avenue of complaint and redress. Its core mandate has not changed since its inception half a century ago.

In marking the Office’s 50th Anniversary, the Correctional Investigator announced the completion of the Office’s newly rebranded and streamlined website, which contains updated content and more user-friendly and accessible features. In launching the revamped website, Dr. Zinger noted the need for transparent, relevant and independent reporting on prison conditions and the treatment of federally sentenced individuals. “For half a century now, the Office has provided independent analysis and perspective on safe and humane custody. The reporting featured on our website shines a light on a world mostly closed to public view.”

The Correctional Investigator concluded his statement by noting that his Office will celebrate its 50th Anniversary by hosting a few public engagements throughout the year, as well as developing and sharing new materials commemorating the Office’s history and achievements.

For more on the Office and its work, please visit us at our newly redesigned website at

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